Songs That Work announced Tuesday Feb 14, that they will be partnering with Logcast to deliver the first American cohort of artists to the Sweden based company, Logcast, who has just launched their own partnership with Spotify. Logcast x Spotify allows artists to publish their talk content, called "logs", on their Spotify music page. What makes this capability even more attractive, is the ability to gate this content behind a paywall. Listeners and fans who pay to hear artist "logs" will pay through Stripe so the payouts come much faster than normal royalty payouts.

This will be game changing for artists who have a streaming audience. It will provide huge boosts in income from streaming IP quickly.
The Songs That Work team stresses to their membership that you only get one chance to position and deliver your gated "logs" to your audiences. STW has created special sections called, STW X LOGCAST X SPOTIFY, in the Free Access and Total Access of helping their musician members get this set up correctly. GET THE INFO AND THE LINK TO SIGN UP FOR THE COHORT INSIDE OF FREE OR TOTAL ACCESS VERSIONS OF
Inside Total Access of Songs That Work, get Best Practices on:
-Length of "logs"
-Audience Focus for "log content"
Also in Total Access of Songs That Work find :
- 5 types of talk content you can upload to "logs"
-How to drive organic traffic to your Spotify page
-Get the @dj tag list for social media to drive more traffic to your Spotify page
Inside of Free Access of Songs That Work, get Best Practices on:
-Length of "logs"
-Audience Focus for "log content"
In both Free Access and Total Access of Songs That Work, go to the last section at the bottom called:
STW X Logcast X Spotify to access the information for preparing this talk content and to get the link to the sign up landing page.